![]() Welcome to the Autumn Equinox! Also called Mabon in earth-based, Pagan traditions. we're officially transitioning into fall today, as day and night are balanced in equal length. We look to Mother Nature, the great teacher and sustainer of all, to show us the gifts of the season becoming....and a new moon tonight! This fall has been especially challenging to welcome in, I think for many of us, because we've been experiencing so much intensity on the planet, since late summer. We had the astrological Lions Gate in August, five planets in retrograde, full solar eclipse and Mother Earth speaking strongly now with hurricanes, flooding and wildfires. So, if you're feeling a little crazy, know that you're definitely not the only one! A lot of us are feeling it! So, what would a Priestess do (WWPD)? Well, a ritual, of course! ;-) The following is a ritual I did for myself today for letting go of what doesn't serve you any longer - those repeating patterns and challenging ancestral imprints - to welcome in your autumnal blessings! Many ritual ceremonies for releasing include writing out what you want to let go of, but don't acknowledge how these experiences/ feelings have BLESSED our lives, especially the most challenging ones. The piece that I recommend, that's often missing, is to give thanks and gratitude for the stress, worry and concern, financial scarcity, lack of self-confidence- whatever it is you feel is really holding you back- to give it thanks for being there because it has served a purpose. It has brought you the much needed lessons for you to build the strength of character needed as a Spiritual Lightworker on the planet today. I don't believe we can always release deeply ingrained patterns without at least acknowledging why they've been there, and what they've been for us. Oftentimes these deeply ingrained patterns go way back in our DNA through multiple generations. It's time to heal them for yourself, for your sacred work, for your family, and for the collective! This is big! Quantum physics and intentional creation tell us that our cells send pain signals in many forms through our bodies to get our attention. What is the blessing of your "suffering" and challenge? What is your situation wanting to tell you? For this ritual, you will need paper you will burn, a pen, lighter or matches, a fireproof container- a simple pottery bowl works well - and any items you feel drawn to, for setting sacred space. These include a candle to light to set your intentions, crystals and/or stones, sage or incense (essential oil sprays for cleansing will also work) and any nature objects to represent the autumn harvest... ie. colorful leaves that are freshly fallen, acorns, pine cones, feathers, etc. Again, follow your intuition on this. Your Spirit knows best what you need. Once you have gathered all of your items, find a peaceful place for your ritual and arrange your sacred items on your altar/ sacred place and focus your breathe for calm, peace, release and healing. Light your candle and imagine yourself surrounded by your angels, guides and protectors, and the healed ancestors who walk with you. Set the intention for this ritual to bring healing to you and all those whom you touch, especially those close to you. Light your sage or incense, and sit with the paper that you will burn. Meditate on the characteristics and ways of being that you're ready to let go of and ask yourself the questions above about your “suffering”. and then give thanks and gratitude to them for their presence in your life and acknowledge the blessing from the suffering. Feel your heart softening around this forgiveness and acknowledgement of the experience. It has been a great teacher to you and you want to give it the honor that it deserves before letting it go. Perhaps starting with some focused breathe and meditation will be needed to get to this place. Take the time for this. It is important. Once you feel you're complete with your focused meditation, write out your release on the paper that you will burn. Once you are ready, you may set fire to this piece of paper, in a safe place over your fireproof bowl and imagine / visualize as the fire burns that it transmutes back into the light and dissolves the pain and suffering for you, and your entire lineage line backwards, and into the future. With breath and intention know this to be so! Sit in this moment and feel the softening and healing in your heart transmuting into the past and future. Feel yourself now welcome in the joy, love and prosperity that the world is waiting to give to you more fully. Trust the feeling and know that it's safe. Perhaps make a cup of your favorite tea, have a piece of chocolate, dance and sing to celebrate- whatever feels good to you to seal in the good feeling. It is yours and it is NOW! Would you like to explore the power of the Priestess Path? I have launched a 3-month intro series, starting October 28th. and am offering an early-bird price until the end of September! Learn more here. © 2017 Marcela Ashburn McBride Mentor on the Priestess Path~ Ritualist~ Lover of Nature~ Co-Owner of Body Mind Shift Urban Retreat in Charlotte, NC Shamanic Emergence Healing Arts www.MarcelaMcBride.com www.BodyMindShift.com
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![]() The Age of the Priestess has returned. In times past, we were the healers, the herbalist, midwives, doctors and spiritual leaders. We stood as equals, alongside our brothers, as guides for our community, offering support, love, and healing. We were Intuitive, Grounded and Holy. We were honored and revered for our powerful connection to the Divine, to the Earth, and as an embodiment of the Sacred Feminine. That time has returned. A High Priestess walks the path of integrity and has given her life in service to the Divine. She is The One that has faced her Shadow, embraced it, and made it her ally to walk her life in balance as the Divine Human. She lives her life fully embodied in the Wild Feminine. She facilitates healing for Herself and others. She communes with Nature as her Power Source. She engages her Inner Sacred Artist. She treats Her body as a Temple. She sets boundaries with Love and Compassion to do her Divine Work in the world. She empowers her sisters to live in their highest possibility, moving out of the model of competition, into one of Collaboration, Communion and Support. Walking the Priestess Path is a Calling. You feel it in your Heart and Soul. You feel it in your Bones. Come join me for an evening of exploration of the Priestess archetype as She returns to the planet to support us at this most crucial time in our spiritual evolution. The evening will include a sound healing journey to meet your own Inner Priestess, as well as, a conversation about my Magdalene Priestess Immersion Program, beginning in the fall of 2016, that you will be invited to join. Learn more and join us here. © 2016 Marcela Ashburn McBride Co-Owner of Body Mind Shift Wellness Center in Charlotte, NC Shamanic Emergence Healing Arts www.BodyMindShift.com ![]() “All the tragedy in the world, in the individual and in the multitude, comes from lack of harmony. And harmony is best given by producing harmony in one’s own life.” — Hazrat Inayat Khan, The Music of Life All cultures, from ancient times to now, have used music in some way to lift the spirit and enhance the healing process. Because of its nature, music is a link between the external and internal worlds, a bridge to the spirit and doorway to the soul. Sound affects the vibratory rate of every part of the body and has a direct impact on the mental processes, muscles, nervous system, digestive system and circulatory system. Why is it that music and healing work go so well together? In addition to the pleasant environment that music provides, there are many reasons why music actually supports and extends the benefits of the healing process. In his landmark book, The Mozart Effect, Don Campbell wrote that “by listening to music with longer, slower sounds, one can usually deepen and slow the breath, allowing the mind to calm down. As with breathing rates, a lower heartbeat creates less physical tension and stress, calms the mind, and helps the body heal itself. Music is a natural pacemaker.” Stress. The American Institute for Preventative Medicine cites it as a key role player and contributing factor in both heart disease and cancer, two of the leading causes of death in the United States. Best-selling author and physician Dr. Andrew Weil concurs, saying “I am convinced that stress is the primary cause or aggravating cause of the majority of illness.” Tension in the mind translates itself into tension in the body and can cause a state of dis-ease in the body’s organs and systems. How exactly does music support health and well-being? Healing music, as we have discovered, is much more than just slow music with nature sounds. We have identified multiple reasons why music has positive effects. Some are listed below:
Healing is about re-aligning the body with its own innate blueprint and returning to a dynamic state of balance. A primary way sound heals is through physical and emotional resonance. Resonance occurs when two energy systems vibrate at the same frequency. Certain music will cause the body and its systems to resonate with it and help it return to a state of balance. Another aspect of healing with sound involves slowing down the brainwaves. Our brains emit a continuous and often varying vibration reflecting the state of our consciousness and attention. When we are in a peaceful, calm state, our brains emit Alpha waves (7-14 hertz or cycles per second) and we are more receptive to healing. Theta brainwaves (4-7 hertz) are emitted in an even deeper and more dreamlike state. Music with very slow, sub-audio frequencies can help entrain the brain to reach the desired states. The level of healing gained by any musical piece is a function of the balance between the elements of intention, harmony, resonance, frequency, rhythm and entrainment. Because music is a form of art, there are also creative and artistic aspects to consider. Slow music that is morose and moody will not have as positive an effect on the healing process as soothing music that is joyful and uplifting and carries a sense of beauty and spirituality. The good news is, there is much healing music available today that can support the healing process and help the individual return to a state of wholeness and harmony with oneself. posted from it's original version August 2014 from "The Edge: Exploring Holistic Living" http://www.edgemagazine.net/ © 2016 Marcela Ashburn McBride Co-Owner of Body Mind Shift Wellness Center in Charlotte, NC Shamanic Emergence Healing Arts www.BodyMindShift.com ![]() I sit in silence, morning sun pouring over my body, I feel this deep, powerful, unconditional love expand throughout my body. This love…..it knows me. It’s reminds me of Who I Am everyday….as an expansive Divine Being here on earth, finding my way in the world. This love wants you. It knows you. It is ever present and In Love with you All the time. It never leaves. It is here desiring to tear down the walls you have created against it because you have been hurt. You have lost. You have been confused and unsure of yourself in the world. Did you know that this IS what you are made of? There is nothing else. This is the God Source, the Goddess Source, The Universal Life Force that lives in ALL THINGS that knows you…..every piece of you….every thought you think. Every breath you take, it is there, waiting to be discovered, to be lived more fully in the world. We don’t understand this love. This all encompassing, take no shit, deeply expressed Love. Sometimes She is expressed as Kali, the Goddess of Destruction, who cuts away all of the Illusion of Self that we carry inside of us. Sometimes He is expressed as the Buddha who sits in silence as you struggle to find the quite within, twitching and shuffling, working to find your comfort. He smiles, knowing that this too is The Path. Sometime She is expressed as The Magdalene, dancing wildly on the earth, barefoot, singing in Full Voice as she cries for those who suffer, sending them Love from her Huge Expanded Heart. . . Sometimes he is expressed as The Christ, the Luminary that turned over the tables of the change makers in the market because he could See those who suffer because if it. Sometime He is expressed as St. Francis of Assisi who gave away all of his riches to follow the voice of the Divine Within, to own nothing more the cloak on his back, who dances with the Wild Things in the forest, overcome with the Joy of this connection , desiring deeply to share this feeling inside. Sometimes She is expressed as Pele, the Goddess of Fire and destruction that explodes and burns All That Is so you can be reborn as who you Truly Are. Sometimes She is expressed as Joan of Arc who, at 18 years old, lead her people to freedom, in full amour, at the Head of the Pack as she followed the Wild Voice inside that came pouring out as a Battle Cry….”We will no longer suffer! My people will be Free again!” Can you imagine… can you image…can you imagine, this love? Yes, it hurts to love so deeply because the memory of loss is so fresh. But, we choose, you choose, I choose…. What if this love could seep down deep into your bones to remind you of the Bliss that we are? The Bliss that is the Divine Breathe in all things? The ecstatic Joy that resides in you, desperate to come out and be known? What if this love could heal all of the places inside of you that feel broken, rejected, abandoned, forgotten? What if there was nothing else you needed to do but to ALLOW this love to take over, to grab the steering wheel of your life while you let go and feel the Joy and Laughter….the Tears and Heartache, as they co-mingle together as One and you grasp to hold on to what you Have Known as your life crumbles in ecstasy? This Is Enough. I am enough. You are enough, right here, right now. There is nothing more you need to do then to Be Here Now. This Love within you is connected to all those that Have Been, with all those that Are and Shall be. That is it. And, so it is. p.s. If inspired, share a comment here below and through the social media tabs. Thank you. p.p.s. If you are not a part of my email list, feel free to join to receive more inspired writing and invites to great events here. p.p.p.s. Learn more about this powerful healing modality called Emergence Care that has supported this opening to love for me, here. All my Love, Marcela Shamanic Emergence Healing Arts www.BodyMindShift.com © 2015 Marcela Ashburn McBride ![]() Ok my peoples, I feel like I need to share...there are A LOT of peeps getting sick right now, like crazy sick, lasting for weeks or more. I feel there are a few things going on...first, this is a natural time to go within and our society doesn't really care about this natural rhythm because we just keep working, keep doing, keep moving forward even if it doesn't feel "right" somehow or we are getting signs to chill out, but we ignore them because we live in a workaholic society... (Yes, I know we all have to pay our bills. Just stick with me here). If you are not resting more, sleeping longer, eating nourishing foods, expressing yourself when you feel upset, receiving some type of healing care, then I HIGHLY recommend you do so! This is a time to "be with" your life...what's working? What isn't? What can I do to be in more alignment with who I really am? I feel sickness comes as a gift to make us slow the hell down and BE WITH OURSELVES. Yes, this pisses some of you off that identify with your "doingness" in the world and not your "beingness", which is most of us. I understand. So, my fast healing protocol to do AS SOON AS YOU FEEL FUNKY is; acupuncture and energy work if you can, rest, hot tea, rest, nourishing soups like miso and chicken broth in copious quantities, rest, "Quick Defense" by Gaia Herbs (great co. out of Brevard, NC) and/or olive leaf extract rest, and lots of good water. Did I say rest? ;-) AND, I think most importantly, LOVE YOURSELF YO! Be proud of who you are and what you bring to the world! You're amazing! We are WAY TOO hard on ourselves and that sh*t has got to stop, for realz! Repeat this mantra to yourself over and over, "I love you. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you." (mantra of Ho’oponopono) As soon as you start to feel a bit better (or if you have no fever), I recommend Emergence Care, body work or Shamanic Healing with John and/or I (the main things that keeps us healthy along with everything else I listed) or some other energy/ healing work you feel drawn to (some practitioners give sessions over the phone so you don't have to go anywhere, myself included ;-). That should do it! I send healing love to you all and hope this helps! Big Love, Marcela Shamanic Emergence Healing Arts www.BodyMindShift.com © 2015 Marcela Ashburn McBride ![]() If I have something important and challenging to say to someone close to me, I write a letter. I have done this for as long as I can remember. I am the kind of person that sits with things and percolates on them to figure out why I feel the way I do and how to communicate it in a way that comes across clear, to the point, and with compassion for the receiver. You see, communication is very important to me. If I don't feel I have a clean slate with someone, I address it. I have spent too much of my precious life force dwelling in the past, so this lesson has come hard learned! As I sit down to finish my most recent letter to a family member that is long past due, I wanted to share some of what I discovered for myself, in case it may be of support to you during this holiday season, which can be a stressful time for many. I am the youngest of three children and have often felt I was the "sunshine" in the family; the one smiling and bringing joy and laughter even if I didn't feel it inside. I often felt like this was my "job" even in the face of my father's alcoholism and my brother's diving accident where he was paralyzed when I was 9 years old (along with all the other crazy stuff that happened). As I think is the case for most of us, when intense stuff happens in our lives when we are young we tend to shut down emotionally because there is often not the space to express our feelings.
This was my reality too. Now, at 38 years old, I'm realizing the next layer that needs to be shared with my family, things that never got expressed. It's all coming up right now. As I've gone through the stages of stepping into my deeper work in the world I've had to face a lot of fear; fear of rejection, fear of failure, fear of success, fear of abandonment and so forth. I've had to release, over and over, the fear of what people might think, and if I'll be judged, if I'll still be liked (which was a BIG one growing up as the "good girl"). All of this started in childhood. My commitment has had to be bigger than the circumstances. I have felt my whole life that I was here for big work. Perhaps it's the Leo in me, or the Old Soul part of me, but I have known that one of my biggest priorities has been to find and live my Soul Purpose. I realize this is not the case for many people. I feel many folks on the planet are happy just getting by, doing their job, having their families and experiencing an average life. That was never going to cut it for me. I've been on a quest since I left home at 18 to find and live this path. I feel that has become even more expressed in the past year as my husband and I have discovered Emergence Care (EC) and now prepare to open a practice together offering this powerful work to others. With EC, I feel I found “the thing” I've been looking for. That doesn't mean that all I've been doing for the past 20 years has not played a direct part in preparing me for this, because I know it has. But you know when you find the thing, or "the one" you've been looking for? It's like you found the pot of gold at the end of the rainbow? (Which I now realize was inside of me the whole time). :-) As I've found this next level of expression of my Soul Purpose with EC, I have come to the next level of clearing and purging in my life to make space for this work. This has included writing some pretty emotional letters to my family about things gone unexpressed. This part of got shut down a long time ago because I didn't feel I would be accepted. Now it is time and I am ready. As my husband John recently saw in a vision for me, it's time to "give death" to the relationship and the person that I was to make space for the new one. That may sound intense but oftentimes we have to become our own Warriors of Light, letting go of the things are not serving our highest good, standing in our Truth, being Self Expressed no matter what, and trusting that the Universe always provides- support, love, encouragement. If those that we are in relationship with (friends, lovers and the family we were born into) can't handle the "new us" then it's time to let them go (or, in this case, at least, release the old version of our relationship with them). There are people out there that love and support you exactly as you are. That's your "Tribe" and they're waiting for you to join them. I have found mine and it feels like coming home. Life is too short to waste time with people who do not hold you in your highest possibility and love you unconditionally. Trust this. Know this and speak your truth. It is time. Care to join me in my purging extravaganza? Share below what you are committing to this holiday season to welcome in the new next year. It much more fun doing it together! ;-) All my love, Marcela Tribe Amazon www.MarcelaMcBride.com © 2014 Marcela Ashburn McBride ![]() Your dream is going to require that you get outside of your comfort zone in a big way. Your dream is going to require that you believe in yourself beyond all restrictions you have ever known. Your dream is going to require that you invest in yourself and ask for help. You cannot do this alone. Your dream is going to require that you believe in something bigger then you. Your dream is going to require that you trust the Universe, God, other people, and yourself more than ever before. Your dream is going to require that you stretch and grow beyond your own self-imposed limitations. Your dream is going to require deep & profound self-love. Your dream is going to require tremendous faith, when doubting would be easier. Your dream is going to require deep heart opening and extreme vulnerability. Your dream is going to require that you face your fear over, and over, and over, and over again. If your dream is not requiring this of you then it isn’t big enough. If you do all of this then you will live a life filled with deep and profound bliss beyond your wildest imagination and you would have lived a life most people on the planet will ever experience. Just do it~ Big Love, Marcela Tribe Amazon www.MarcelaMcBride.com © 2014 Marcela Ashburn McBride ![]() This weekend, known as Litha, is the high noon of the Holy Days for the ancient Egyptians, Mayans, Druids, Essenes and many other earth-based peoples. They built their temples to align with the sun rising on this day to celebrate its power, glory and life sustaining energy. Without it, we would cease to exist! Today, give thanks for the Sun. This is a time to celebrate the triumph of light over darkness, within and without and to remind ourselves of what is important... are we living in alignment with our truth? Are we "on purpose"? Is our life filled with love and compassionate for self and other? This is a time to activate the Sacred Masculine that lives within you to step closer toward your dream, as your dream is for the world and is meant to be manifest! What is the desire that lives in your heart that you would like to take action towards today? This is a good time to shine the light of awareness into the recesses of your consciousness, to illuminate what's held you back, and to activate your passions by moving forward with inspired action. With this in mind, I feel the desire to share with you a very effective manifestation technique that many of my clients have used successfully. I invite you to give it a try. ![]() Solar Manifestation Practice for Summer Solstice: Lie on the earth, in the sun, with your belly (solar plexus ;-) exposed. Feel yourself supported by the earth as you are the blending of the feminine earth and the masculine sun, incarnate. Create a cycle of breath imagining that you are breathing in the sunlight through your solar plexus; while you bring to mind something you desire to create more of in your life. As you breathe in the solar solstice sunlight (representing the masculine manifestation principle within us) breathe it up your spine, imagining the warm, golden light spreading out and flooding your entire body with energy. Once you feel full of this light, release the breath out your mouth, (with sound for more effect). Continue doing this while you lie on the earth in this vulnerable, open and powerful place for at least 10 to 15 minutes. Feel the feminine earth supporting you while you imbibe this solar goodness! Do this at least a few times a week for a few weeks and watch the changes in your life unfold. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From my most recent (amazing) private client Beth: "There seems to be a shift happening. Today, I received notice that I'll be receiving my first royalty check for digital streaming of my songs that have been getting airplay on the internet! Have been waiting on that for a couple of years! I also received a surprise check from a friend who shared in a San Diego trip with me...for assistance with the rental car and gas while in San Diego...and received notice that my son has been awarded financial aid for college! Opening up to the flow! Thank you Marcela! I feel amazing." BB~ Charlotte, NC ~June '14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I want to share something vulnerable (because, 'tho it can scary, it is also exhilarating sharing our hearts with the world), a personal project that I am working to manifest. It is a pilgrimage to France with my husband John to immerse ourselves in the Magdalene energies and sacred sites. It has felt like a calling for years and it feels that I am meant to bring groups back to do ritual and ceremony at these sacred sites. This is our "reconnaissance" tour. We hope to be an inspiration to you, and many others, to step into your dreams and perhaps our campaign is something you could also do to manifest yours? Learn more here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ p.s.~ Curious what breakthrough may be possible for you? Learn how Shamanic Healing can support you here. p.p.s.~ Learn about walking the shamanic path, shamanic journeying and healing...and experience it! Come out to my next Shamanic Healing Circle at Be Yoga Carmel Studio South Sat. June 28th. 7:00-8:30. Learn more here. Big Blessings to You~ Marcela Tribe Amazon www.MarcelaMcBride.com © 2014 Marcela Ashburn McBride ![]() Happy Imbolc and Chinese New Year! As we welcome in the light once again we step into a powerful Year of the Wood Horse in Chinese astrology. This is a year of action and manifestation of all the hard work we've been doing on ourselves the past few years! SHEW! It's time, right?!? I know I'm ready and I feel it! Lot's of great stuff happening...hold on for the ride of your life! I was blessed to participate in LUNA Rising this year which was a day-long gathering for women and girls around the blossoming of the Divine Feminine. I led a Shamanic Heart Opening Circle and played the part of the mother in the trilogy of Maiden, Mother, Crone for the opening and closing circles of over 100 women. The picture is of me wearing the amazing "mother crown". The snake at my 3rd. eye represents transformation. It was SO MAGICAL to be in a community of women in that way...celebrating the Goddess and our own inner Divine Feminine in all her glory! More fabulousness on the horizon....I wanted to post a personal invitation to join me and 3 other powerful teachers for a half-day retreat on "Empowering Our Divine Feminine for the World", Sat. Feb. 22nd. from 1:00-6:00. It's going to be a magical day of deep heart connection, sacred dance, engaged conversation around balancing the masculine and feminine within and a Shamanic exploration of our womb heart. It's going to be P O W E R F U L! I can feel it. You know when something just feels right? Get all of the details here. We are offering an early-bird discount until Feb. 8th. Join us! From one of the fab women who joined the heart-opening circle at LUNA: "As soon as you started drumming I felt this huge weight lifted off of me...one I have been carrying for years! I have been in therapy for a year and hadn't experienced the breakthrough that I just had with you in our group session! Amazing! Thank you, Marcela!!!" KM ~ Charlotte, NC Curious what breakthrough may be possible for you? Learn how Shamanic Healing can support you here. Here we are as Maiden, Mother and Crone ;-)
Blessed Be and Blessings to You! Marcela Shamanic Priestess Intuitive Healer Integrative Spiritual Guide www.MarcelaMcBride.com © 2014 ![]() Shamanic Healing is a powerful tool I use to support clients in receiving awareness around what is holding them back, where they feel stuck, and where they carry pain (physical and emotional) so they can move forward in their lives. The results we are getting are amazing! I imagine you may be curious about Shamanic Healing, so I thought I would explain. First, a Shaman/ Shamama/ Shamette/ Shamanita (all words I have been given as a female Shaman ;-) is someone who helps to facilitate the healing process of her clients using native tools like drums, rattles, bells, voice and movement to enter the Spirit realm to access higher knowledge, receive messages from Spirit, and clear physical and emotional pain, among many other things, all with the goal of supporting the client to move forward to lead happy, productive, soulful lives. It's quite an ecstatic experience! For me, it all started about 1 ½ yrs. ago….I had been coaching as a full time business for a few years and experiencing successes in helping my clients move forward towards their goals, learning to trust their own internal guidance system, and following their passions. This was great AND, I knew there was something more. Because my business is “Spirit guided”, I started to receive strong messages that there was another level I was meant to go to within myself, and with my clients. I have learned that in giving my life in service to the Divine~Goddess~God, I don’t always know what it may look like. That’s why running a purposeful, heart-based business is the most profound spiritual growth path you could ever choose! I have learned deep trust in the Universe, and in my own abilities, although there were many days of doubt. After emerging as a Shamanic Priestess this year I started to receive deep guidance to offer Shamanic Healing to my clients. Turns out, this is what I was waiting for! I was shown what to do and how to do it. I saw that I would use my voice for toning and prayer, my drum and rattles for clearing energy blocks and focused breath, movement and intention to help call in their Spirit guides and to send them blessings and love (what I call a heart blessing). After each session I receive messages from Spirit for each client about practices they can add to their lives to “anchor in” the healing and support the new awareness’s going deeper. These sessions tap in to the energetic/spiritual body. When we tap into this space, my intuition and that of my client, heightens and we both receive messages that otherwise may not come because the logical, linear part of the mind can so easily block it out in our daily lives. Clients receive clarity in their lives where before they may have felt unclear and directionless…healing deep wounding, meeting Spirit guides so they stop feeling alone and getting clarity on soul-based projects, and so much more! Its quite empowering, life affirming and FUN! Healing doesn't have to be hard ;-) "I came to the healing session with Marcela wanting to gain clarity and awareness around living on the same land with my alcoholic father, and how it impacts my partnership with my husband. Through the session I felt a deep sense of connectivity with the energy around me, and experienced a deep release of pain and sadness that I hold in mirror of my father. Letting that go was incredibly powerful! I now feel that I have clarity in my interactions with him, and the other men in my life. As a result, I was recently able to help my father through a very difficult experience with light and compassion, and I can say that Marcela's work made that possible by expanding my sense of awareness into crevices I had not formerly know. I was able to allow myself to feel, embrace and let go of deep-seated blockages, and instead feel love towards my father, again. Thank you, Marcela!" Read more testimonials and reach out to me here if you're interested in receiving this level of support, healing and guidance. I offer a new client special on my introductory sessions. To Your Highest Vision, Marcela "Magdalena" McBride © 2013 Tribe Amazon www.MarcelaMcBride.com |
AuthorMarcela is a Priestess Path mentor, co-owner of Body Mind Shift Urban Retreat, Sound Healer and Lover of Nature. Archives
September 2017