![]() This weekend, known as Litha, is the high noon of the Holy Days for the ancient Egyptians, Mayans, Druids, Essenes and many other earth-based peoples. They built their temples to align with the sun rising on this day to celebrate its power, glory and life sustaining energy. Without it, we would cease to exist! Today, give thanks for the Sun. This is a time to celebrate the triumph of light over darkness, within and without and to remind ourselves of what is important... are we living in alignment with our truth? Are we "on purpose"? Is our life filled with love and compassionate for self and other? This is a time to activate the Sacred Masculine that lives within you to step closer toward your dream, as your dream is for the world and is meant to be manifest! What is the desire that lives in your heart that you would like to take action towards today? This is a good time to shine the light of awareness into the recesses of your consciousness, to illuminate what's held you back, and to activate your passions by moving forward with inspired action. With this in mind, I feel the desire to share with you a very effective manifestation technique that many of my clients have used successfully. I invite you to give it a try. ![]() Solar Manifestation Practice for Summer Solstice: Lie on the earth, in the sun, with your belly (solar plexus ;-) exposed. Feel yourself supported by the earth as you are the blending of the feminine earth and the masculine sun, incarnate. Create a cycle of breath imagining that you are breathing in the sunlight through your solar plexus; while you bring to mind something you desire to create more of in your life. As you breathe in the solar solstice sunlight (representing the masculine manifestation principle within us) breathe it up your spine, imagining the warm, golden light spreading out and flooding your entire body with energy. Once you feel full of this light, release the breath out your mouth, (with sound for more effect). Continue doing this while you lie on the earth in this vulnerable, open and powerful place for at least 10 to 15 minutes. Feel the feminine earth supporting you while you imbibe this solar goodness! Do this at least a few times a week for a few weeks and watch the changes in your life unfold. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From my most recent (amazing) private client Beth: "There seems to be a shift happening. Today, I received notice that I'll be receiving my first royalty check for digital streaming of my songs that have been getting airplay on the internet! Have been waiting on that for a couple of years! I also received a surprise check from a friend who shared in a San Diego trip with me...for assistance with the rental car and gas while in San Diego...and received notice that my son has been awarded financial aid for college! Opening up to the flow! Thank you Marcela! I feel amazing." BB~ Charlotte, NC ~June '14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I want to share something vulnerable (because, 'tho it can scary, it is also exhilarating sharing our hearts with the world), a personal project that I am working to manifest. It is a pilgrimage to France with my husband John to immerse ourselves in the Magdalene energies and sacred sites. It has felt like a calling for years and it feels that I am meant to bring groups back to do ritual and ceremony at these sacred sites. This is our "reconnaissance" tour. We hope to be an inspiration to you, and many others, to step into your dreams and perhaps our campaign is something you could also do to manifest yours? Learn more here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ p.s.~ Curious what breakthrough may be possible for you? Learn how Shamanic Healing can support you here. p.p.s.~ Learn about walking the shamanic path, shamanic journeying and healing...and experience it! Come out to my next Shamanic Healing Circle at Be Yoga Carmel Studio South Sat. June 28th. 7:00-8:30. Learn more here. Big Blessings to You~ Marcela Tribe Amazon www.MarcelaMcBride.com © 2014 Marcela Ashburn McBride
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AuthorMarcela is a Priestess Path mentor, co-owner of Body Mind Shift Urban Retreat, Sound Healer and Lover of Nature. Archives
September 2017