![]() Shamanic Healing is a powerful tool I use to support clients in receiving awareness around what is holding them back, where they feel stuck, and where they carry pain (physical and emotional) so they can move forward in their lives. The results we are getting are amazing! I imagine you may be curious about Shamanic Healing, so I thought I would explain. First, a Shaman/ Shamama/ Shamette/ Shamanita (all words I have been given as a female Shaman ;-) is someone who helps to facilitate the healing process of her clients using native tools like drums, rattles, bells, voice and movement to enter the Spirit realm to access higher knowledge, receive messages from Spirit, and clear physical and emotional pain, among many other things, all with the goal of supporting the client to move forward to lead happy, productive, soulful lives. It's quite an ecstatic experience! For me, it all started about 1 ½ yrs. ago….I had been coaching as a full time business for a few years and experiencing successes in helping my clients move forward towards their goals, learning to trust their own internal guidance system, and following their passions. This was great AND, I knew there was something more. Because my business is “Spirit guided”, I started to receive strong messages that there was another level I was meant to go to within myself, and with my clients. I have learned that in giving my life in service to the Divine~Goddess~God, I don’t always know what it may look like. That’s why running a purposeful, heart-based business is the most profound spiritual growth path you could ever choose! I have learned deep trust in the Universe, and in my own abilities, although there were many days of doubt. After emerging as a Shamanic Priestess this year I started to receive deep guidance to offer Shamanic Healing to my clients. Turns out, this is what I was waiting for! I was shown what to do and how to do it. I saw that I would use my voice for toning and prayer, my drum and rattles for clearing energy blocks and focused breath, movement and intention to help call in their Spirit guides and to send them blessings and love (what I call a heart blessing). After each session I receive messages from Spirit for each client about practices they can add to their lives to “anchor in” the healing and support the new awareness’s going deeper. These sessions tap in to the energetic/spiritual body. When we tap into this space, my intuition and that of my client, heightens and we both receive messages that otherwise may not come because the logical, linear part of the mind can so easily block it out in our daily lives. Clients receive clarity in their lives where before they may have felt unclear and directionless…healing deep wounding, meeting Spirit guides so they stop feeling alone and getting clarity on soul-based projects, and so much more! Its quite empowering, life affirming and FUN! Healing doesn't have to be hard ;-) "I came to the healing session with Marcela wanting to gain clarity and awareness around living on the same land with my alcoholic father, and how it impacts my partnership with my husband. Through the session I felt a deep sense of connectivity with the energy around me, and experienced a deep release of pain and sadness that I hold in mirror of my father. Letting that go was incredibly powerful! I now feel that I have clarity in my interactions with him, and the other men in my life. As a result, I was recently able to help my father through a very difficult experience with light and compassion, and I can say that Marcela's work made that possible by expanding my sense of awareness into crevices I had not formerly know. I was able to allow myself to feel, embrace and let go of deep-seated blockages, and instead feel love towards my father, again. Thank you, Marcela!" Read more testimonials and reach out to me here if you're interested in receiving this level of support, healing and guidance. I offer a new client special on my introductory sessions. To Your Highest Vision, Marcela "Magdalena" McBride © 2013 Tribe Amazon www.MarcelaMcBride.com
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AuthorMarcela is a Priestess Path mentor, co-owner of Body Mind Shift Urban Retreat, Sound Healer and Lover of Nature. Archives
September 2017