Your dream is going to require that you get outside of your comfort zone in a big way. Your dream is going to require that you believe in yourself beyond all restrictions you have ever known. Your dream is going to require that you invest in yourself and ask for help. You cannot do this alone. Your dream is going to require that you believe in something bigger then you. Your dream is going to require that you trust the Universe, God, other people, and yourself more than ever before. Your dream is going to require that you stretch and grow beyond your own self-imposed limitations. Your dream is going to require deep & profound self-love. Your dream is going to require tremendous faith, when doubting would be easier. Your dream is going to require deep heart opening and extreme vulnerability. Your dream is going to require that you face your fear over, and over, and over, and over again. If your dream is not requiring this of you then it isn’t big enough. If you do all of this then you will live a life filled with deep and profound bliss beyond your wildest imagination and you would have lived a life most people on the planet will ever experience. Just do it~ Big Love, Marcela Tribe Amazon © 2014 Marcela Ashburn McBride
This weekend, known as Litha, is the high noon of the Holy Days for the ancient Egyptians, Mayans, Druids, Essenes and many other earth-based peoples. They built their temples to align with the sun rising on this day to celebrate its power, glory and life sustaining energy. Without it, we would cease to exist! Today, give thanks for the Sun. This is a time to celebrate the triumph of light over darkness, within and without and to remind ourselves of what is important... are we living in alignment with our truth? Are we "on purpose"? Is our life filled with love and compassionate for self and other? This is a time to activate the Sacred Masculine that lives within you to step closer toward your dream, as your dream is for the world and is meant to be manifest! What is the desire that lives in your heart that you would like to take action towards today? This is a good time to shine the light of awareness into the recesses of your consciousness, to illuminate what's held you back, and to activate your passions by moving forward with inspired action. With this in mind, I feel the desire to share with you a very effective manifestation technique that many of my clients have used successfully. I invite you to give it a try. Solar Manifestation Practice for Summer Solstice: Lie on the earth, in the sun, with your belly (solar plexus ;-) exposed. Feel yourself supported by the earth as you are the blending of the feminine earth and the masculine sun, incarnate. Create a cycle of breath imagining that you are breathing in the sunlight through your solar plexus; while you bring to mind something you desire to create more of in your life. As you breathe in the solar solstice sunlight (representing the masculine manifestation principle within us) breathe it up your spine, imagining the warm, golden light spreading out and flooding your entire body with energy. Once you feel full of this light, release the breath out your mouth, (with sound for more effect). Continue doing this while you lie on the earth in this vulnerable, open and powerful place for at least 10 to 15 minutes. Feel the feminine earth supporting you while you imbibe this solar goodness! Do this at least a few times a week for a few weeks and watch the changes in your life unfold. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ From my most recent (amazing) private client Beth: "There seems to be a shift happening. Today, I received notice that I'll be receiving my first royalty check for digital streaming of my songs that have been getting airplay on the internet! Have been waiting on that for a couple of years! I also received a surprise check from a friend who shared in a San Diego trip with me...for assistance with the rental car and gas while in San Diego...and received notice that my son has been awarded financial aid for college! Opening up to the flow! Thank you Marcela! I feel amazing." BB~ Charlotte, NC ~June '14 ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ I want to share something vulnerable (because, 'tho it can scary, it is also exhilarating sharing our hearts with the world), a personal project that I am working to manifest. It is a pilgrimage to France with my husband John to immerse ourselves in the Magdalene energies and sacred sites. It has felt like a calling for years and it feels that I am meant to bring groups back to do ritual and ceremony at these sacred sites. This is our "reconnaissance" tour. We hope to be an inspiration to you, and many others, to step into your dreams and perhaps our campaign is something you could also do to manifest yours? Learn more here. ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ p.s.~ Curious what breakthrough may be possible for you? Learn how Shamanic Healing can support you here. p.p.s.~ Learn about walking the shamanic path, shamanic journeying and healing...and experience it! Come out to my next Shamanic Healing Circle at Be Yoga Carmel Studio South Sat. June 28th. 7:00-8:30. Learn more here. Big Blessings to You~ Marcela Tribe Amazon © 2014 Marcela Ashburn McBride Happy Imbolc and Chinese New Year! As we welcome in the light once again we step into a powerful Year of the Wood Horse in Chinese astrology. This is a year of action and manifestation of all the hard work we've been doing on ourselves the past few years! SHEW! It's time, right?!? I know I'm ready and I feel it! Lot's of great stuff happening...hold on for the ride of your life! I was blessed to participate in LUNA Rising this year which was a day-long gathering for women and girls around the blossoming of the Divine Feminine. I led a Shamanic Heart Opening Circle and played the part of the mother in the trilogy of Maiden, Mother, Crone for the opening and closing circles of over 100 women. The picture is of me wearing the amazing "mother crown". The snake at my 3rd. eye represents transformation. It was SO MAGICAL to be in a community of women in that way...celebrating the Goddess and our own inner Divine Feminine in all her glory! More fabulousness on the horizon....I wanted to post a personal invitation to join me and 3 other powerful teachers for a half-day retreat on "Empowering Our Divine Feminine for the World", Sat. Feb. 22nd. from 1:00-6:00. It's going to be a magical day of deep heart connection, sacred dance, engaged conversation around balancing the masculine and feminine within and a Shamanic exploration of our womb heart. It's going to be P O W E R F U L! I can feel it. You know when something just feels right? Get all of the details here. We are offering an early-bird discount until Feb. 8th. Join us! From one of the fab women who joined the heart-opening circle at LUNA: "As soon as you started drumming I felt this huge weight lifted off of I have been carrying for years! I have been in therapy for a year and hadn't experienced the breakthrough that I just had with you in our group session! Amazing! Thank you, Marcela!!!" KM ~ Charlotte, NC Curious what breakthrough may be possible for you? Learn how Shamanic Healing can support you here. Here we are as Maiden, Mother and Crone ;-)
Blessed Be and Blessings to You! Marcela Shamanic Priestess Intuitive Healer Integrative Spiritual Guide © 2014 Shamanic Healing is a powerful tool I use to support clients in receiving awareness around what is holding them back, where they feel stuck, and where they carry pain (physical and emotional) so they can move forward in their lives. The results we are getting are amazing! I imagine you may be curious about Shamanic Healing, so I thought I would explain. First, a Shaman/ Shamama/ Shamette/ Shamanita (all words I have been given as a female Shaman ;-) is someone who helps to facilitate the healing process of her clients using native tools like drums, rattles, bells, voice and movement to enter the Spirit realm to access higher knowledge, receive messages from Spirit, and clear physical and emotional pain, among many other things, all with the goal of supporting the client to move forward to lead happy, productive, soulful lives. It's quite an ecstatic experience! For me, it all started about 1 ½ yrs. ago….I had been coaching as a full time business for a few years and experiencing successes in helping my clients move forward towards their goals, learning to trust their own internal guidance system, and following their passions. This was great AND, I knew there was something more. Because my business is “Spirit guided”, I started to receive strong messages that there was another level I was meant to go to within myself, and with my clients. I have learned that in giving my life in service to the Divine~Goddess~God, I don’t always know what it may look like. That’s why running a purposeful, heart-based business is the most profound spiritual growth path you could ever choose! I have learned deep trust in the Universe, and in my own abilities, although there were many days of doubt. After emerging as a Shamanic Priestess this year I started to receive deep guidance to offer Shamanic Healing to my clients. Turns out, this is what I was waiting for! I was shown what to do and how to do it. I saw that I would use my voice for toning and prayer, my drum and rattles for clearing energy blocks and focused breath, movement and intention to help call in their Spirit guides and to send them blessings and love (what I call a heart blessing). After each session I receive messages from Spirit for each client about practices they can add to their lives to “anchor in” the healing and support the new awareness’s going deeper. These sessions tap in to the energetic/spiritual body. When we tap into this space, my intuition and that of my client, heightens and we both receive messages that otherwise may not come because the logical, linear part of the mind can so easily block it out in our daily lives. Clients receive clarity in their lives where before they may have felt unclear and directionless…healing deep wounding, meeting Spirit guides so they stop feeling alone and getting clarity on soul-based projects, and so much more! Its quite empowering, life affirming and FUN! Healing doesn't have to be hard ;-) "I came to the healing session with Marcela wanting to gain clarity and awareness around living on the same land with my alcoholic father, and how it impacts my partnership with my husband. Through the session I felt a deep sense of connectivity with the energy around me, and experienced a deep release of pain and sadness that I hold in mirror of my father. Letting that go was incredibly powerful! I now feel that I have clarity in my interactions with him, and the other men in my life. As a result, I was recently able to help my father through a very difficult experience with light and compassion, and I can say that Marcela's work made that possible by expanding my sense of awareness into crevices I had not formerly know. I was able to allow myself to feel, embrace and let go of deep-seated blockages, and instead feel love towards my father, again. Thank you, Marcela!" Read more testimonials and reach out to me here if you're interested in receiving this level of support, healing and guidance. I offer a new client special on my introductory sessions. To Your Highest Vision, Marcela "Magdalena" McBride © 2013 Tribe Amazon Well, I did it. I danced naked in the rain. I walked barefoot at night, in the woods, up the mountain, under the moonlight. I stopped shaving (why bother?!). I refused to wear a bra (seriously, every time I would try to put one on my boobs would scream-NO!) I said exactly what was on my mind. I ate whatever I wanted…..sometimes ice cream and chocolate twice a day. ;-) I cried loud and freely and allowed myself to be supported in a powerful group of women... to REALLY be seen. I laughed until my stomach hurt. I faced my inner patriarch and matriarch and showed ‘em who’s boss. I faced my inner shadow…..that voice that tells me I’m not enough and my ideas aren’t worth sharing. I claimed my worth out loud and felt it be received with love. I felt SO alive and free, more then ever before! I was liberated! This was my Priestess Process. It was a remembering of a time past when we, as women, were the healers in the community….the “seers”…the wisdom keepers, the ones to lead ceremony and ritual…. who communed with nature and her rhythms every day…who gathered together to vision and dream during our moon time. We served the Goddess in all her magnificent forms. I have felt a call to the Priestess Path for quite some time now. Years ago I started having visions of gathering with women at night, outside in circle. We were dancing around a fire and commanding the elements…..howling at the moon and claiming our power. We were Wild Women and we were Divine! I also had past life memory of being burned at the stake and horrifically tortured because I was a Priestess and a visionary and millions of other women. No wonder we are scared to really step out and share our truth and visions with the world! Little did I know, all of this was my inner High Priestess calling me to remember who I have been, and who I am becoming. She is asking me to awaken even more deeply to my powerful, visionary self that holds the big dreams and goals for my life, and for the world, with the ability to manifest exactly what I desire…because I know that the desires in my heart are the desires of the Goddess and are meant to be manifest! From this first stage of Priestess Process, I came home with the clear realization that, “Visionary entrepreneurial women are the modern day High Priestesses!” I believe the most impactful way we can access and use this part of ourselves in this lifetime is to step into purposeful work and create the life of our true hearts desire. If we can dream it, it is meant to be so! This is becoming the current platform from which I take a stand. This grounds all of the work I have been doing for years and solidifies it into one cohesive vision! Does this resonate with you? If you’re interested in this conversation and want to join me for more, I am leading the next Magdalene Circle for Women this Sunday here in Charlotte. For those of you outside of NC and the USA, I am finding a way to share more of this information with you through my writing and I will be launching a High Priestess video series as well as an immersion program for women who are ready to step into their High Priestess Selves! Stay tuned by joining my mailing list here. p.s. here's the link for the circle this Sunday will all the details: Magdalene Circle p.p.s. if you'd like to learn more about our matriarchal history before the violent inquisition where over 9 million women, men and children died (yup, you read that right) for sharing their gifts of healing and vision with the world and speaking out like I am right now, I highly recommend watching "The Burning Times" movie. It is POWERFUL and a must see for all women. You can access it here: The Burning Times. I am working on having a viewing of it here in Charlotte soon. To Your Highest Vision, Marcela "Magdalena" McBride © 2013 Tribe Amazon I, Marcela “Magdalena” McBride, here do declare that I am Free. I am free from the bonds of slavery that I have allowed to have power over me. I am free from the violent and oppressive patriarchy that has ruled the planet for thousands of years, telling me that I am something other than powerful, spiritual, sexual, loving, open, kind, and deeply wise. I hereby restore my Soul to Wholeness ~ to Purity ~ to Love ~ and to Power. I declare to open my arms to bring all of my sisters with me ~ those that desire a life of profound peace and love ~ to those who feel the spirit of the Goddess that moves through them. We create exactly what we desire. Right here. Right now. As we Birth the New Earth into Becoming. We are the ones we've been waiting for! And so it is... With Honor and Gratitude, Marcela “Magdalena” McBride © 2013 Tribe Amazon This writing came through me as I reflected on the powerful "Mary Magdalene and the Return of the Divine Feminine" circle that I facilitated this past Sunday. The feedback has been nothing short of a miracle. Women were healing deep wounding around their experiences with the church and organized religion growing up. Everyone shared from their hearts. It felt as though we were a clan of priestesses and sisters gathering together again to pick up where we left off to do our Sacred Work in the world, together. It was so deeply moving, no one wanted to leave! Even though this writing is for the women in the circle on Sunday, it is relevant for all women, so I decided to share it with you. Perhaps you have been experiencing some of the same things and it can be of service to you at this time. Enjoy~~~ "Beloveds, I have a message to share with you today. First, we want to say “Thank you, Thank you” for gathering together in celebration and sacredness on Sunday with Sister Priestess Marcela! We; Mother Mary, Yeshua (Jesus) and I, Mary Magdalene, were with you, among many other Light Beings. We knew it was time for you to gather. We bless you and stand in great gratitude that you have said “YES!” to awakening to and spreading the true message of the Christ Light for which we dedicated our lives too. We honor you and are with you always. Many of you were being healed on a deep cellular level as you sat in Sacred Circle together. You may be feeling extreme emotions as your DNA is opened and cleared. This must happen for your deep work to be done at this time. Allow yourself to be healed. Live in trust that this is meant to be. Reach out to your healer brothers and sisters and receive support at this time. YOU ARE NOT MEANT TO DO THIS ALONE! In fact, it is imperative that you do it TOGETHER. Your wounding happened together, and your healing shall be together too. Allow yourself to be vulnerable and show your emotions together. The time of the quiet woman is over. It is your time to ROAR! The earth needs you right now. Go to her. Hear her cry. She is your mother. Dance with her. Cry with her. Hear her heartbeat. Awaken this part of you. She needs you as much as you need her. You can’t do this without each other. Gather in sacred circle outside on the Great Mother. Allow your feet to be bare. Feel her under you- supporting you- loving you. Turn to her for support and strength. Pay attention to the signs of our animal brothers and sisters. They speak for us as well. They want to help you. We are ALL in this together! There are a few things you need to know as the light awakens within you. Many of you feel the wounding of the life lessons your soul has chosen for you. Know that as The Light awakens in you, these wounds will be revealed to be cleansed and release. This may not always feel so good to you. You may feel anything from deep sadness and grief to shear rage, anger and joy as you awaken to the reality of our collective His-Story. Much deep and profound sadness has happened throughout Our Time as many have died to bring this message to The People. This knowledge is in you. Let it rise to be cleared. You don’t have to be afraid any more. Please know that YOU ARE SAFE NOW. You live in a time that allows for you to fully express your Divine Nature…..your True Divinity. It is time now to take back these sacred words; Divine…..Divinity….Love….Peace……Church……God……Jesus……Christ……Virgin……Whore….. Sacred……Sex…….Divine Union……..Sacred Relationship…… is YOUR TIME. We are here to support you in every moment. Keep exploring. Keep awakening this Divine Knowledge with in you. It is your Divine Right to live as the fully realized Light Being that you are. Find your unique expression and go with it. Live fully as YOU. Follow your intuition no matter what. It may feel strange at first, but know that this is your deepest connection to Us and your True Divine Knowledge. Allow yourself time to rest as much as you need right now. A lot is happening for you, and our planet, consciously and unconsciously. The Dreamtime is just as important as your waking. Allow your dreams to guide you. Notice the visions and ideas that flow to you now. These are very important. Write them down. These are Sacred Clues on this Divine Journey. Like a big puzzle, clues are revealed in Divine Right Timing but you must be awake and aware to notice. Call on us as you need. We are here. We will hear. You are never alone. All our love and Blessings, MM © 2013 Marcela Ashburn McBride Tribe Amazon Why is it that our self worth is wrapped up in our “doing-ness”. I have been thinking a lot about this today as I woke up feeling poopy and had to take it slow. Thankfully, I work for myself and I had the leisure to do that. Not many people can say that, so for that, I feel very blessed. So, back to this “doing-ness” thing. I notice that if I rest during the day when everyone else is caught up in their busy-ness, I have a hard time letting that be OK. I do love to have quiet time for myself- to day dream- do as I please once in a awhile. This is the biggest pleasure of our 20’s, I believe. The time when we have few responsibilities- no business, family, husband, kids, schedule to keep up with. All of those things that make a life. This time to reflect is important. It is the creative time when you can let your mind wander into new possibilities. When we are caught up in our "doing-ness" we don't allow ourselves this time. Staying busy is SO last year! It's time to reflect, relax, allow, trust. Winter is perfect for that. So this year I will be 37……holy crap batman! This lead me to question, what do I REALLY want for myself? My life? I actually think about this a lot…..perhaps too much. It may be because I ask my clients this all the time…… ”What makes you tic?” “What lights your Divine Fire?” “Why do you feel you are here one this planet, at this time?” They are big questions, and I think because I am a Leo and a visionary creative-type I feel that my life is supposed to mean something. That I am here at this time to do something big, to help turn the world “ON” to light our fires, to inspire the Divine Dream that lives inside of us that is there…..for the world. Yes, this is my purpose….my reason for being. How I manifest it is completely up to me. That is the beauty. The Divine Dance of destiny and free will. So, Beloved, what is lighting your fire today? Life is a grand buffet! What are you choosing? Tribe Amazon © 2013 Marcela Ashburn McBride We are living in a crazy world. Time is speeding up- and slowing down at the same time. Polarities are getting more extreme. There is more war on the planet than ever before- more weaponry- more poverty- more crime- more teenage pregnancy- more drug use (legal and non-legal).....the list goes on. This is what happens when times change- when the way we have been doing things for centuries, shifts. In the midst of all of this chaos there is beauty. We are moving away from a masculine-driven model of society back to a more feminine, receptive…..from a place of, “I know” to a place of “I am”. From domination, to collaboration; from separation, to unity; from fear, to love; from settling for a life, to creating your life! Our natural state is JOY, beloved! All things stem from this. We just forget as we move forward in our lives……getting caught up in what we need to do to survive, we have forgotten what makes us THRIVE! What makes your heart sing? What fills you with love and light? Dancing? Singing? Painting? Drawing? Sculpting? I imagine it is creative, whatever it is. We are creative beings living in a creative Universe, creating our realities in every moment. Are you enjoying your creation? Find your Divine Juice! This is what you need to incorporate every day to keep the Divine Spark alive in you. This is what keeps you grounded and connected in times of chaos. This is the silent, yet joy ~ filled place that the Divine lives in you. Don’t wait for it to be “OK” to make that time everyday. Noone else will give you the permission. You must give YOURSELF the permission. You know you need this. You know it is essential to your survival. If you feel that you don’t know what awakens your Divine Spark, then experiment. Take a class, buy a few art supplies and play. Put on your favorite music and DANCE. Sit down to a blank page and see what comes. Once awakened, it must be cultivated and fed or that Divine Spark will be put out. Remember, people who don’t make time for this themselves will try to make you feel silly for doing it. I am here to tell you IT HAS BECOME AN ESSENTIAL PART OF YOUR SURVIVAL AS A HUMAN SPECIES to awaken this Divine Spark inside of you and cultivate it on a a regular basis. You are a spirit having a human experience; therefore, your Spirit must take precedence now. The part of you that is creative is also the feminine within you- whether you are a man or a women- it is also the receptive, the part that knows we are all connected and that our lives matter- a lot. There is no accident that you were put on this planet, at this time. Your JOY is meant to be shared with the world. When we awaken that Divine Spark in us, we help humanity to do the same. As you know…..everything is energy……and you have the power to direct that energy for good. Find your Spark, Beloved, and Live it! Now it the time, and you are the one. All our love~~~ © 2013 Marcela Ashburn McBride Tribe Amazon I have been feeling very connected to Mary Magdalene over the past year and feel as though I am meant to channel her knowledge for this critical time in human history. This morning, as I meditated on the meaning of Dec. 21, 2012, these words came to me to share: "Dear Beloved~ Now is the time to fall in love with yourself in deep, forgiving and profound ways. It is time to let go of the old story that you aren’t enough-that you aren’t perfect, whole and complete exactly as you are, right here and right now. You were made in the image of God! How could you be any less then perfection? Know this now as truth. There is nowhere to go, nothing to “do”. Who you are “being” in the world is the most profound thing…..are you stressed out and overworked? Do you cuss at others in traffic? Do you snap at your partner? What is the truth that is wanting to move through you that you aren’t allowing? Perhaps you aren’t living the life you had hoped. Perhaps things haven’t turned out the way you thought they should. Perhaps they could be better than your conscious mind could ever imagine, but you aren’t allowing it. Perhaps the life you have created was created out of being a victim to it. What if you chose something different right here, right now? What if you became aware-blatantly-of your conscious acts on others and how you affect them? You are worth more than the drama you are living. You are a Divine Expression of God and are capable of creating exactly what you desire for your life! Know this to be true and be it, Beloved. What are you waiting for?" © 2012 Marcela Ashburn McBride Tribe Amazon |
AuthorMarcela is a Priestess Path mentor, co-owner of Body Mind Shift Urban Retreat, Sound Healer and Lover of Nature. Archives
September 2017