In times past, we were the Healers, the Tantricas, Midwives, Muses, and Spiritual Leaders. We stood as equals, alongside our Brothers, as guides for our community, offering support, love, and healing. We were Intuitive, Grounded and Holy. We were honored and revered for our powerful connection to the Divine, to the Earth, and as an embodiment of the Sacred Feminine.
That time is here again.
A Mystic Priestess walks the path of integrity and has given her life in service to the Divine. She is The One that has faced her Shadow, embraced it, and made it her ally to walk her life in balance as the Divine Human. She lives her life fully embodied in the Wild Feminine. She facilitates healing for Herself and others. She communes with Nature as her Power Source. She engages her Inner Sacred Artist. She treats Her body as a Temple. She sets boundaries with Love and Compassion to do her Divine Work in the world. She empowers her sisters to live in their highest possibility, moving out of the model of competition, into one of Collaboration, Communion and Support.
Walking the Priestess Path is a Calling. You feel it in your Heart and Soul. You feel it in your Bones.
Join us for this Sacred Circle Teaching on the Mystic Priestess Path, an empowered path of self awakening and soul growth for women! We will begin with our history as Temple Priestesses~ the spiritual leaders of our communities~ and how that time is now returning for us to awaken our deeper gifts to be of service to the world, in this time of Great Change! This activating and inspiring webinar will include a grounding meditation, channelled messages from Spirit, and a guided healing journey to meet your own Inner Priestess!
The Mystic Priestess Path is: ~ Learning to trust and follow your intuition ~ Healing relationships to live from a place of integrity, compassion and love ~ Learning to love yourself more fully and follow your heart ~ Setting boundaries to live the life of your deepest desires and destiny ~ Attuning connection to Spirit to follow the signs and signals in alignment with your deeper purpose ~ Connection in Sisterhood to heal the feminine wound ~ Balance the masculine energy of "doing" with the feminine energy of "being" ~ Finding the path back to Self....and so much more!
>>>>>> Register to join the webinar and Temple of the Mystic Priestess here
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Testimonials of women walking this Sacred Path of service~
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"I can genuinely say that I fully love myself for the first time in my life. Embracing my past, which I had shut down long ago, has allowed me to fully accept myself, and all the choices that I've made, and realize that this is my power source. I've now been able to fully step into my purpose as a tantric doula, and yoga instructor, with great excitement and joy! I am so grateful for for finding the Priestess Path and for all that Marcela has brought to it!" Cady Asch~ Charlotte, NC~
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"The Spiritual awakening that I experienced while working with Marcela was the catalyst for me to step into a life that I’m passionate about! I was able to walk through the fear of what society expects us to do for a living and embrace my soul’s purpose as a result of the workshops, circles, and experiences out on that beautiful land with her and the amazing group of women! Forever grateful!"
Dawn Belk ~ Owner at Natural Abundance Wellness Clinic~ Charlotte, NC
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About the facilitator: Marcela "Magdalena" McBride has been immersed in the personal growth industry for over 20 years, leading spiritual women's groups since 2010 in her full-time practice. She is the Creatrix of the Mystic Priestess Path and is an initiated Shamanic Christed Magdalene High Priestess in the lineage of Goddess Isis, Mary Magdalene and Yeshua the Christ, (her Holy Trinity ;-). She is a non-denominational Ordained Healing Minister and Spiritual Guide that loves leading women through a transformational process. She co-leads Sacred Tours to power spots around the globe, along with her partner and husband, John, and offers Sound Healing, Energy Medicine and Spiritual Guidance sessions to support women who feel the call to awaken their inner High Priestess to live a life of service to the Divine. She committed her life in service in 2009, while on retreat on the gorgeous island of Kauai (that's a story for another time ;-) and has been walking The Priestess Path ever since.