Manifest Your Destiny Immersion Program
Are you a visionary, creative women that knows there is a deeper purpose for your life and you aren't fully living it?
Are you tired of the struggle you keep experiencing in your relationships, health and finances?
Are you ready to fully take responsibility for your life and create exactly what you desire?
Well, welcome to the Manifest Your Destiny Program!
You are in the right place at the right time!
I know how it is to feel the call to something know there is a life out there waiting for you to experience and you just aren't there yet. Well, I am here to tell you that now is the time and you are the one!
As women, I believe we are being called to step into our deeper purpose and I know that if you are feeling this call and have landed here on this page then you heart is pulling you out to receive the support you deserve to finally step into your destiny.
As a woman, I know you are tapped into the heartbeat of the world and you know things are changing and you want to be part of this change by giving your gifts in a big way while making good money doing it so you can live the lifestyle of your biggest, boldest dreams!
I have come to beleive that through purposeful entrepreneurship we have the capacity to impact the world in a big way by doing just that:
* giving our gifts to help lots of people while making good money = changing the world!
You are a Trailblazer!
The thing about being a trailblazer is that it can be really lonely leading the pack.
You question yourself.
You wonder,"What the heck was I thinking?"
All of a sudden it starts to look REALLY GOOD behind that Starbucks counter!
"Hhmm," you think, "I could just throw in the towel right here, right now.
I'm tired of this fight.
I'm tired of the struggle.
I'm going back to my J-O-B!
Some days your gremlins and your fear win…
But, here's the thing…
As a trailblazer, you know this is your calling. It's a calling that MUST be answered. You have felt it your whole life. Your purpose in this world MUST be manifested! You won't settle for anything less.
For some women, it's the white picket fence…for others it's finding the perfect partner and starting a family….and for you, your life must be the expression of this calling…the call of the Great Mother….the call of the Amazon Goddess!
Because, here's the thing, Ladies…
It's Our Time!
The world is waiting for us to step out Big, Bold, and Beautiful!
We are the ones we've been waiting for!
It is time for the shift in consciousness back to the Divine Feminine.
It's time for your LIGHT to shine!
And, guess what?
We were never meant to do it ALONE!
The Circle of Divine Goddess is forming around the world….
Our power is in doing it TOGETHER!
- Every time you say, "YES!" to your dream, your clients say, "YES!" to theirs
- Every time your heart heals, you have global impact by healing the heart of the world
- Every time you say, "YES!" to your self care, another client says, "YES!" to theirs, and decides that it is time to work with you
- Every time you say, "YES!" to deep relaxation and rest…renewal and play in a sacred circle of women, the earth smiles…she is waiting for you to delight in her…
- If you are reading this right now, you hear the call…the Goddess is awakening in you…she is rising up…it's YOUR time to live your life Grounded and Connected…to Source and to the Goddess within…
- This is the place of Abundance, Freedom and Clarity for your business….and for your LIFE!
- This is where you Receive the Divine Downloads that will propel your business forward in 2013!
If you don't…your ego will keep winning…the gremlin fight will continue, and 2013 will be a whole bunch more of what isn't working!
So, what do YOU want to create?
Who do YOU want to be?
Who's going to win this battle?
Your FEAR…or your VISION?
Experience the Power of our Divine Sacred Circle…..
During our four delicious months together you will:
- Get WILD and CUT LOOSE with Bodacious Booty Shakin’
- Compassionately set boundaries for yourself so that your needs are always being met
- Rest in the arms of the Divine Mother with sacred ceremony in a circle of goddesses
- Allow your feminine to flow in your business by opening up the channels of abundance through creative process
- Receive deep connection with nature through Goddess manifestation rituals
- Receive Divine downloads through your dreams
- Renew and awaken your body with daily yoga
- Experience peace from the chaos with daily meditation circles
- Enjoy scrumptious, fresh, vegetarian meals, lovingly prepared by yogis
How often do you unplug… really RELAX?
Are you making time to be in a circle of women who are
Grounded, Connected and Wild?
When was the last time you howled at the moon?
Re-connect! COME DANCE!
Re-inspire yourself!
Reinvigorate your Business by Receiving Divine Downloads to
Propel your Business Forward in 2011!!!
Prepare for success by resting deeply to allow your
Amazon Goddess to emerge!
Walk away connected to your body….Grounded, Wild and Free!
Kathy Whitham shares her powerful experience at the retreat:
Self care is a necessity when bringing your Big, Bold, Beautiful Amazon Goddess into the world!
It is essential for the success of your business that you have a retreat for yourself AT LEAST once a year!
What better way to get clear on :
- what you want to create
- what goals you have achieved (and celebrate them!)
- what's working well
- what could work better
- and do it all in a sacred circle where you are fully supported in bringing your…
Alara Castell shares her experience of self care at the retreat:
Join us for the next
"Wild Amazon Goddess Retreat"?
Where: We are gathering at a magical retreat center in the beautiful Santa Cruz Mountains of Northern California!
When: Monday, April 11 ~ Friday, April 15th 2011
Early Bird Pricing until February 1st.!!!
Only 3 payments of $377!
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0r save money with the discounted Full Pay of $997!
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So, I ask you…
What are choosing at this moment?
What are those thoughts running through your head?
"Maybe next year…"
"Oh, it's just too far to travel…."
"I can't spend that kind of money on myself…."
Is it your FEAR or your FAITH that will win at this moment?
Is it your belief in yourself as a Divine Being of Light that knows that you get to take good care of yourself because you are up to a BIG game?
It's no longer about your glass being half-full, or half-empty….it's that your glass is so full that it runneth over!
How full is your glass?
And, what are you going to do about it, now?
What if you said "YES", right now?
What would your life be like if you said "YES" more often?
Every time I have said "YES" to that intuative knowing inside of me, regardless of the circumstances of time, money and travel, I have had a TRANSFORMATIONAL experience!
You know if this is right for you. You knew right when you heard about it.
Will I see you in April?
Only 3 payments of $377!
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0r save money on the discounted Full Pay of $997!
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Refund Policy
There is a non-refundable, transferable, deposit of $377 due upon registration to secure your spot. If, for some reason, you need to cancel, your deposit is transferable to another retreat in 2011.
If, for reasons out of our control, the retreat is postponed or canceled, you will receive a full refund.
Email me at: [email protected]